Something Old

You know the saying: Something old, something new etc etc. The emphasis here though is on the old, and there’s something utterly charming about a vintage wedding theme. And whilst you’re at it why not incorporate some family history: Get the family photo albums out and show off love through the ages.

Confetti With A Bang

Can you really trust your guests with an underarm throw of some dainty petals or do you want to leave the church with a bang? Well if the latter sounds more appealing, then push-pop confetti is for you!

Wheel Of Fortune

Wow… just wow. How fun would this be to have at your wedding? The answer is ridiculous fun. If you can’t have it at the wedding, have it at the hen party. Either way, make it happen!

Why You Should Never Skip On Having a Hen Party

To me, it’s a no brainer. Hen parties are hella fun. But I’m hearing more and more cases of people who are opting to forego the hen party as they don’t want to cause their friends too much bother. 1st question, do you think the groom is thinking the same? Short answer: no. Not to…

Enchanted Forest Themed Wedding

I’ve seen many a wedding theme pop up on Pinterest, the themes, although each of them beautiful, are replicated over and over again. So, when I saw the ‘Enchanted Forest’ theme make it’s way into my feed I was instantly hooked. It takes ‘rustic’ to a whole new level. Granted we can’t all get married…

10 Favours Your Guests Will Actually Want

Favours. The little gifts you sweat over to thank your guests for coming to the wedding. Trust me, they can be a total pain in the backside, I and a team of trusty helpers individually wrapped a handful of Mini Eggs in little hessian sacks for a mere 130 guests, it was no mean feat.…

Met Gala Wedding Inspiration

The stars turned out in force for this years, Chinese-themed, Met Gala. Although at times the dresses were very risqué, bared a fair bit of flesh and had trains that would cause the whole wedding party to trip, there’s no doubt that there is a good amount of wedding dress inspiration on offer. Here’s my…

Music Lover?

If music is a big part of your life, whether you’re a musician or you just love to listen, it’s only right you reflect your passion on your big day. Wrap your confetti in gorgeous aged music sheets. If music be the food of love, play on!